Timothy Lampe and two of his pylon racers.
The name Synergy Aerial was inspired by my brother’s business Synergy Photographic in Zeeland, Michigan where he's enjoyed many years of success. To Synergy Aerial, I bring over 40 years of experience in the radio control hobby including 30 years in the Research and Development department at a leading hobby company. There, I learned and honed the skills required for developing/designing model aircraft that I now use to create my laser-cut topographic maps. Late in my career I also took an interest in drones and aerial imagery. I've participated in various aspects of radio control airplane and helicopter competition on a local, national and international level. Presently, my passion is model airplane pylon racing with competitions taking me all around the country. All this modeling passion and experience contributes to my understanding and piloting ability of sUASs (drones).
"Drone License"
In addition to liability insurance, in keeping with FAA regulations I also hold a Remote Pilot Certificate with an sUAS (small Unmanned Aerial System) rating (drone license) .